We believe independent childcare businesses are a distinctive part of the childcare industry. They are an essential part of the community in which they are located and serve. Unlike large regional and national chain operations, independent childcare owners and their businesses often have a personal connection to their communities and families.  Independent childcare businesses have a local identity and the high trust of parents, school system teachers, and community leaders.

While we recognize the risks, stress, and challenges inherent in operating a childcare business, we believe there are proven insights and practices that can dramatically improve a childcare business’ odds of success. This is what ChildCareOwner.com is all about — substantially improving your chances of real, sustainable childcare business success.

If you are an independent childcare owner, we want you to know that we are serious about our Mission. We are committed to providing practical, proven insights and resources to enable you to build a better childcare business, a more financially healthy childcare business, and, most importantly, a better life for you, your family, and your entire team.

Our Mission

"To help childcare owners build successful businesses."


Child Care Owner is the leading professional organization for child care business owners.

It’s a membership about the “Business Side of Child Care”!

We focus on helping child care owners with the business side of child care – financial management, exit strategy planning, marketing, real estate, facilities, mergers & acquisitions – everything child care business related. We provided resources, webinars, courses, live question and answer session, private and group coaching, and in-house and quest experts.

And it’s packed with in-depth, practical training and resources on all the business aspects of planning, building, running, and growing a successful child care business. PLUS the community support you need to ensure your childcare business achieves its full potential.


ChildCareOwner members across the USA have access to specialized professional advisory services designed specifically for the childcare industry.

  • Bookkeeping and Accounting
  • Financial Budgeting and Planning
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Business Consulting and Coaching
  • Capital Expenditure Analysis
  • Financial Management
  • Exit Strategy Planning
  • Business Valuation
  • Business Value Acceleration
  • Funding and Loan Application
  • Growth Through Acquisition


Donna Donna

Founder & CEO

Donna Dailey M.Ed., LREB, SBA, BEC, CVA – Founder & CEO of ChildCareOwner.com, has over 28 years of childcare mergers and acquisition and real estate experience. Donna has been helping people buy, sell, and improve child care businesses since 1995.

As a business analyst, Donna has helped hundreds of childcare owners improve their childcare business’s profitability, financial health, and value. 

Donna focuses on creating more ChildCareOwner.com resources and training programs that support the creation of more independent childcare business success stories. And the continued growth of the specialized childcare advisory services available through ChildCareOwner.com


Jonathan Lamb

Child care lending

Jonathan is one of the people in the world who has been on all sides of the table, a business owner, developer, and investment banker. Constantly evolving and learning, His diverse background includes owning multiple businesses, being a successful commodity floor trader, extensive work in the energy industry, research and publication in the world of Economics, including writing a best-selling book, developing commercial real estate, debt, and equity financing, investing, risk management, consulting, public speaking, and starting & growing businesses.

With his wife, Mollie, Jonathan operated a large childcare franchise caring for more than 200 children. After selling their childcare business, Jonathan became a lender providing SBA and other government back loans to help people start, build, buy, and grow childcare businesses.

Cindy Gibbons

child care business coach

Cindy Gibbons is a recently retired childcare business owner. She has over 40 years of experience in the early education field. Starting as a classroom teacher, her desire and love for the field led her quickly to a management position and then to her dream of ownership. In 2005 she opened her first childcare center location with a passion to provide a quality early learning center that best supported the families of the community. After years of successful ownership and community support, she opened her second center in 2013. With her and the support of her staff, both facilities have received state-level recognition and program awards.

After 40 years in the field of early education, it is now time to support the future leaders of early childhood education by sharing her knowledge and real-life experiences of efficiently managing financially secure childcare businesses.

Donna Marcus

Child Care Insurance

Donna Marcus-Doughten, CIC is the CEO of  Phoenix Associates Insurance Agency a family-owned company in business for over 40 years!

Donna specializes in insurance programs for Private Schools & Child Care Centers throughout the state of Georgia and the Southeast.