Common Mistakes Child Care Business Buyers Make
In my 28 years of working in childcare business mergers and acquisitions, I have met and worked with thousands of childcare business buyers. From the…
In my 28 years of working in childcare business mergers and acquisitions, I have met and worked with thousands of childcare business buyers. From the…
Whether you plan to sell your childcare business soon or years from now, it is essential to ensure you prepare your business for sale. These…
In the training workshops I conduct and my meetings with childcare owners, I find them confused about why childcare business buyers buy and what the…
In recent years I have received an increasing number of calls (more than in years past) from childcare business owners about selling their childcare business…
The Endless Child Care Buyer Calls, Emails, and Letters How many calls, emails, and letters have you received this week from people interested in buying…
Every child care business operates in a facility – building and land. Some child care owners lease the building and land from a third-party owner.…