Standard Child Care Business Valuation (Non-Certified)

Our Standard Child Care Business Valuation (Non-Certified) Report consists of 30 – 40 pages, prepared by a NACVA Certified Business Valuation Analyst and specialized child care Mergers and Acquisition Specialist. Our Standard Child Care Business Valuation (Non-Certified) Report is most appropriate for child care businesses with gross revenues in excess of $1,500,000. This analysis and report can be utilized when buying or selling a child care business and business planning decisions.  The valuation summary includes the development of a value range utilizing the market approach, asset approach, and income approach with analysis, financial recasting, and development of SDE or EBITDA multiples (as most appropriate), capitalization of earnings method. The report also includes industry benchmarking against peer companies, examining profitability, liquidity, debt, and asset management ratios. This analysis and report can be utilized when buying or selling a child care business and business planning decisions to assess your business’s performance compared to competitors and identify aspects of your child care business that can be improved, resulting in higher profitability and value.

Standard Child Care Business Valuation (Non-Certified): $2,500 – $3,500

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