Recession Proofing Your Childcare Business

No childcare business owner wants to consider or discuss the likelihood of a recession. However, good and bad economic times are part of normal economic cycles. Not counting the steep but very brief economic downturn during the COVID pandemic, the last recession in the U.S. was from December 2007 to June 2009 – often referred to as the “Great Recession.” Like most economic downturns that last 18 months to two years, the Great Recession lasted about 18 months. The severity, not the length of the Great Recession, caused substantial disruption and loss for individuals and most businesses.  The childcare industry experienced low enrollments and financial loss due to low enrollments and parents’ high unemployment.

At this point, few economists predict the next recession will be as bad as the Great Recession. Given the current state of the childcare industry is much different than in 2007, the impact of the next recession on the childcare industry may be quite different than previous recessions. No one can predict with 100% certainty. However, preparing your childcare business for a recession can make all the difference. As we like to say, “Be Optimistic But Be Prepared.”



Recession Proofing Your Childcare Business – Be Optimistic But Be Prepared

(This workshop is designed for childcare business owners and management teams.)

What steps can you take to recession-proof your childcare business?

In this conference presentation, I will share with you:

  • 25 steps to take now – to help prepare your child care business for an economic downturn.
  • Tips for creating a recession-proof business plan.
  • Planning for financial stability – no matter how long or severe the recession
  • How to continue to invest and grow your child care business.

This workshop is specifically designed for childcare business owners, presidents, CEOs, and their management teams to create a plan and take the necessary steps to ensure the long-term financial success of their childcare business without STABILIZATION Grant funds.

Here’s what past attendees are saying…

The stabilization grants were good for our business. However, when the grants ended, we found ourselves with high labor costs and other expenses. This workshop help us regain control of our expenses and childcare business.
WilliamChild CareOowner
I learned so much in the workshop. It will not be easy but, I now have a plan to manage my childcare business without stabilization grant funds. Having a financially health business is very important to me.
JeanChild Care Owner
My wife an I attended this workshop and came away with so many great ideas. We started applying them to our childcare business and our finances are looking better. We miss the grant funding. But, this workshop helped us to manage our business without it.
JeanChild Care Owner

Wednesday,December 13th
12:00 – 1:30 PM (EST)

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Recession Proofing Your Childcare Business
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