Jonathan Lamb
Child Care Lending
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Jonathan Lamb
Out of Pocket Cash Purchases
Jonathan Lamb, our child care financing expert, shares some ideas about when you should pay for things with cash...
Jonathan Lamb, our expert child care banker discusses how child care business owners can use leasing as a financial tool...
Seven Critical Business Financing Mistakes
Suppose you commit these business financing mistakes too often. In that case, you will greatly reduce your chances of securing financing for your child care…...
What is the SBA
In this video, Jonathan Lamb, our expert child care banker explains what the SBA - Small Business Administration is and the role the SBA plays in guaranteeing loans for child...
Growing From a Small to Larger Child Care Center
In the Growing From a Small to Larger Child Care Center video, Jonathan Lamb, our expert child care banker shares tips for growing your child care business...
Taking on Debt
Our child care expert banker, Jonathan Lamb, provides informative things you should consider before taking on debt...
What to Expect When Your Are Expecting to Get An SBA Loan
Jonathan Lamb, our expert child care banker, shares some sage advice on "What to Expect When You Are Expecting to Get an SBA Loan"...
Tax Information and Borrowing Money
No one wants to talk about taxes. However, your tax information plays a critical role in your obtaining a loan. Our expert child care banker, Jonathan Lamb, shares geat information...