Using Content Marketing to Promote Your Child Care Business

In recent years, content marketing has gained an important role in marketing any business including child care.  In this article, we will define content marketing and more importantly, how you can use content marketing to promote your child care business and early education services.

First, what is content marketing?  “Content marketing focuses on creating valuable and relevant content on a regular basis delivered to a target audience (your customer) with the goal of attracting and creating long-term customers.”  Content marketing is different from the standard “sales pitch” used to promote a promote a product or service.

Why would child care businesses want to use content marketing?  As we all know, parents are very selective when it comes to child care providers and early education for their children.  They want to know that their children will be safe, cared for in a loving manner and provided the highest level of early education.  Content marketing provides the perfect method for you as a child care owner to show your (and staff’s) knowledge, expertise, and experience by providing consistent content (information) to parents that they can use – parenting tips, child development, early education and links to other relevant resources.

In practical terms, how can you include content marketing in your child care marketing plan?  Below are a few examples:

Child Care Website – include content rich articles about child development, parenting tips, and guidelines, children’s health, and safety – relevant information that parents seek.

Social Media – the most read and share social media posts are those that provide great content.

Internet MarketingPay-Per-Click – internet marketing designed to drive traffic to your website – your child care website must have great content or your parent – visitors will leave your website quickly – usually within seconds.

Internet MarketingSearch Engine Marketing – content rich articles optimized with keywords and phrases will help Google and other search engines to index your web pages and content resulting in improved website link placement on search page results.

So, how can you get started with content marketing?  An easy way is to add a page to your website like – “Parent Resources.”  Begin by adding links to resources parents need – local child care assistance departments, state resources, and links to great sites providing content of interest to parents.  Next, provide parents with tip sheets, checklists, and blog articles parents can read and download.  Moreover, and most important, you will need to create (write or design) great content to add to or website and include in social media posts.

About now, I am sure you are saying to yourself, “I do not have the time nor the writing skills to create the content needed for content marketing.”  You are not alone, most business owners, including other child care business owners, feel the same.  If you creating the content is not an option, you can look to your teachers and staff for assistance, or seek assistance from an outside source that specializes in providing content for child care and early education businesses.  Option four – not using content marketing to promote your child care business is not an option as content marketing is one of the very best ways to promote your child care and early education services.

Below are links to examples of content marketing for child care created by Child Care Owner.  If we can be of assistance to you in creating great content for your website, please give us a call 336-645-9007.


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